How to arrive to Spain for your first experience abroad?
Your first trip abroad is an exciting one. But with all the planning that goes into it, you can get so bogged down that you don't even enjoy your trip. That's why we've compiled some of the most important things to consider when heading to Spain for your internship.
These are the most important things to sort out before going to Spain for an internship.
Before you travel to Spain for your first internship experience abroad, there are a few things you should think about and sort out.
- Housing: You need to find a place to stay, so check with your host organization if they have anywhere available or if they can help you find accommodation.
- Visa: A visa is required for all non-EEA nationals coming into Spain. You will also need one if you're from an EU country but studying in Spain as part of your degree course/internship placement. Your company will most likely apply for this on your behalf and it should be sorted before arriving at the airport in Spain. If not, don't worry too much! As long as everything goes smoothly when applying and collecting your passport back from the airport security (and it usually does), then no worries at all!
- Health Insurance: Be sure that any medical costs are covered by insurance before going abroad – we recommend Solvus+ International Student Insurance which gives great protection throughout Europe plus worldwide coverage up until age 29 (or 31 depending on where they live). Our recommendation addresses key concerns such as repatriation of remains and emergency medical evacuation costs during hospital stays abroad.
- Finding accommodations
Renting a room: You can start by searching on sites like Airbnb, Wimdu, and filter by the location you want. If you don't know what city to go to, a good option is Madrid as it's pretty big, but also not too big so it has all the services needed for you to feel comfortable.
- Renting an apartment: Another option is renting an apartment where several people live together in one place. This usually comes with less privacy but helps when looking for housing since it means there will be other students around who can help you get settled into your new life in Spain. You might want to look at websites like Roomorama and Airbnb for this type of accommodation as well!
- Renting a house: Lastly, we have houses which give more privacy than apartments or shared rooms but might be harder to find depending on your budget and location preferences.
Health Insurance
It is mandatory to have health insurance while in Spain. You need to apply for a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) before you travel. It’s free and can be obtained online at the NHS website. The card will entitle you to the same level of state provided healthcare as any other citizen of Europe, but only in an emergency or if you are unable to get treatment in another state. If your policy covers prescription drugs, make sure they are covered under this scheme too - otherwise, you'll have to pay up-front at the pharmacy and then claim back on return home (which can take months).
Getting to your destination
- Flight arrangements: You may want to book your flights in advance. This will ensure that you don't have to rush last minute and miss out on a good deal. If you are travelling by plane, it's also important that you check out our travel insurance page for more information about coverages and how to protect yourself when travelling abroad.
- What should I pack?: Make sure to pack enough clothing, toiletries and other items necessary for your trip. If your destination is cold or hot weather, be sure to bring clothes accordingly!
Living essentials
- Your first task is to find a place to live. The best way to do this is through websites like Airbnb, which allows you to rent out apartments, homes, and rooms in people’s houses. The host can be a local or someone who lives abroad, but it’s best if they have good reviews on the website and offer reasonable prices. You should also make sure that you have all of your documents ready so that you can register with the police as soon as possible after arriving in Spain.
- You will need a deposit or rent for your accommodation upfront; this will cover the cost of utilities and internet for the month at least. It's important not only because these things tend not to come cheap but also because Spain has an excellent public health system so it isn't necessary for students from outside Europe (like yourself) to purchase private health insurance unless they want extra coverage - something I definitely wouldn't recommend unless you're planning on doing some extreme sports such as skydiving!
- Now comes one of my favorite parts about living abroad: buying groceries!! This might seem like one thing that would take forever since we're talking about shopping trips every day (or even multiple times per day), but trust me when I say that once you get into rhythm everything becomes second nature pretty quickly :) Having lived here before means I know exactly where all my favorite places are located near campus - places like Mercadona supermarket chain which sells everything from fresh produce straight off farms nearby Valencia city center without having any preservatives added whatsoever makes cooking meals easy peasy lemon squeezy ;)
We have written this blog post to help you get a better understanding of what you need to do before traveling to Spain for your internship. We hope that it was helpful and informative!